Rachel Flowers is blind. She learnt to play piano by ear since she was two years old (presently she is 17). Then she started to teach flute herself when she was around 10, but soon her mom thought it would be wise for her to learn how to read music, that is, to be music literate. So, basically, Rachel learnt to play flute by using the Braille code. Amazingly, her dexterity on both piano and flute allows her to play them both at the same time. Rachel learnt a piece of music called «Ambidextranata» («born ambidextrous») written by flutist-composer-pianist Gary Schocker (www.garyschocker.com).
This is part of a conversation I had this morning with Rachel and Jeanie Flowers, her devoted mom. We were talking about the Braille code and «Ambidextranata»:
Jeanie Flowers, apart from being a mother and work full time, she is also an ethnomusicologist, song writer, singer & guitar player.
If you wish to watch Rachel playing «Ambidextranata»:
I believe in the greatness of human beings. No wonder Rachel & Jeanie are great!! And, of course, I don´t forget Gary Schocker!
Michael Thallium
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