En 2012 visité Kiev en dos ocasiones, julio y septiembre. Durante mi segunda visita, en otro lugar lejano, Londres, se celebraban los Juegos Paralímpicos, y ya entonces me emocionó ver ganar la medalla de oro a la nadadora ucraniana de 14 años Victoria Savtsova. De hecho, escribí un pequeño artículo titulado «Victoria Savtsova un ejemplo de grandeza y superación». Por aquellos días, Ucrania parecía ser un país con un gran futuro por delante. Sin embargo, apenas un año y medio más tarde, resulta que este país está al borde de una guerra civil que yo espero jamás se produzca. En honor y solidaridad con el pueblo ucraniano y con algunos amigos que allí tengo, independientemente del color político que tenga cada persona, quisiera transmitir el siguiente mensaje:
La discapacidad de Victoria Savtsova no le impidió superarse, ganar una medalla de oro y ser un ejemplo grandeza. Confío en que la maltrecha situación por la que atraviesan los ucranianos tampoco les impida superarse, ganar su futuro de oro y ser un ejemplo de grandeza.
En estos momentos, reitero el mensaje con que Benjamin Britten termina el Agnus Dei de su Requiem de Guerra: Dona nobis pacem (Danos la paz):
Michael Thallium
Global & Greatness Coach
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I visited Kiev twice in 2012. Precisely, July and September. During my second visit to Kiev, the Paralympic Games were taking place in another distant city: London. Watching one of the finals of a swimming competition from my hotel room in Kiev, I was touched by the 14-year-old Ukrainian swimmer Victoria Satsova when she won the gold medal. In fact, I even wrote a little article on that entitled «Viktoriia Savtsova – An Example of Greatness«. Back in those days, Ukraine seemed to be a country with a great future ahead. However, hardly a year and a half later, it seems that this country is at the edge of a Civil War cliff. And I really hope such a war never happens. In honor and solidarity to the Ukrainian people and some of my friends there, regardless of their political creeds, I would like to convey the following message:
Victoria Satsova’s disability did not prevent her from overcoming difficulties, winning a gold medal and setting up an example of human greatness. I hope that the battered situation which the Ukrianians are going through right now will not prevent them from overcoming all the difficulties, winning their golden future and setting up an example of human greatness.
In these moments, I would like to repeat the words with which Benjamin Britten concluded the Agnus Dei of his War Requiem: Dona nobis pacem (Give us peace):
Michael Thallium
Global & Greatness Coach
Book your coaching here
You can also find me and connect with me on:
Facebook Michael Thallium and Twitter Michael Thallium